Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thank God

In reading Psalm 100 I found listed four reasons that we should give God joyous thanks. In verse 3 we can thank God because He is God and we are not self-made people. Interesting.
In verse 5, we can thank God because He is good, He offers an eternal love and He is continuously faithful (loyal). That last reason is really the clincher. It reminds me of Jesus' parable of the unjust judge. This widow continuously pestered an unjust judge to provide her with legal help. Finally, the judge decided that the widow was wearing him out so even with no concern for justice he took care of her case. Jesus concludes that if the unjust judge would provide help, the Almighty Judge (who is just) will certainly take care of us. The question that Jesus leaves His followers with is, "Will the Son of Man find faithfulness on earth." On judgment day God IS going to be found faithful (loyal). We will have to agree with that. On judgment day am I going to be found faithful and loyal to Him? Sometimes I catch my thoughts in prayer being along the line of wondering if God will be faithful. Hopefully, I quickly realize that God's faithfulness is not the question.

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