Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Odd Couples of Christmas

Luke presents the Odd Couples of Christmas and the reality that their blessings from God go global. In Luke 1.5-25 a couple of old people, Zacharias & Elizabeth live in obedience and find that God makes an appointment for them in the midst of their greatest disappointment (the fact that they have no child). At appropriate and appointed times God provides blessings that begin in times of worship and ultimately go global. As followers of Jesus we can persistently worship in spite of disappointments, knowing that God will provide blessings that may ultimately go global. Keep the faith and share it widely!
In Luke 1.26-56 a couple of woman, Mary & Elizabeth, encourage each other's faith and meet together in fellowship and worship. Mary & Elizabeth share with each other their contact with God and His promises to them (the promise that nothing is impossible with God). Controlled by the Holy Spirit they expect their blessing will go global (verses 33,48, 50 and 53). As followers of Jesus we can share our contact with God (thru the Word and His Spirit) and encourage others to expect the impossible from Him. Keep the faith and share it widely!
In Luke 2.1-21 a couple of young people, Joseph & Mary find God's blessing in the midst of difficulty (homeless in their hometown!) and see it begin to go global (as angels share the good news with shepherds who share the good news widely). Joseph & Mary are complete unknowns in the world & unwanted in their hometown, but God's blessing blazes through the difficulty. As we see God make appointments with us in the midst of disappointment we can see God begin to take the Good News global. As followers of Jesus we can maintain our faith in difficulty and see God work in us and others (God uses exalted angels and impoverished shepherds to take His blessing global). Keep the faith and share it widely!
In Luke 2.21-38 a couple of prophets, Simeon & Anna, persist in faith and encourage others that God will take His blessing global. Simeon & Anna are outstanding examples of long term faithfulness that God rewards. As followers of Jesus we can commit to long term faithfulness and expect to see God's blessing. Further, we can share God's Word with others to warn and encourage them. Keep the faith and share it widely!!