Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Life Issue

I just read Barack Obama's pro partial-birth abortion statement (as he opposed a recent Supreme Court decision). I am not surprised, but am disappointed that none of the top three democratic presidential candidates will take a stand against partial-birth abortion. This procedure has been noted by the American Medical Association to never be necessary to protect the life of the mother. How in the world can these candidates who severely oppose war because of its cost in human lives justify killing a viable unborn child? Obama, I am sure in agreement with the other democrats, concentrated on only half the issue. He would not consider the baby's choice, the baby's rights over his or her body, or the baby's pain. In fact, he referred to the baby as an 'it'. With this commitment among democrats why is there so much surprise when mothers and fathers leave their young children to die in cars, or even abuse young children? I want to hear/see one person who favors partial-birth abortion argue their case in an open and honest way. That is, in a way that deals with more than the mother's half of the issue. How can anyone justify a selfish, violent and heinous procedure such as partial-birth abortion?

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