Sunday, July 8, 2007

What is "fear of God"

In response to comment of E. Peevie. Oddly, there are about 12 words in Hebrew that are translated 'fear' in the NASB. The two major words in Hebrew translated 'fear' are both used of the fear of God. It is sort of a 'good grief!' moment that the fear of God is not more narrowly defined. Personally, I like the idea that the fear of God is an awesome respect and reverence for God. I am sure that is primarily what the fear of God is for one who has an actual relationship with God. I also like the idea that once I have a "fear" of God it can regularly be diminished and ultimately be set aside because "There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear. " Obviously, no person has a perfect love, but I am thinking that those who enter Christ's kingdom will have an eternity without any fear.

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