Thursday, July 12, 2007

Take a Walk on Water

I was looking at Matthew 14.22-33. Jesus sends off the disciples in a boat, He goes to pray and then decides to catch up later on foot. The disciples, experienced fishermen, are facing contrary winds and waves. Then Jesus appears, walking on the water, as if to just pass by. The disciples go bananas with fear at seeing what they think is a ghost on the water. It is important to keep in mind a 1st century view of ghosts. Ghosts have one purpose in the 1st century, to take someone with them to the place of the dead. The disciples thought that Jesus was literally the angel of death. Jesus introduces Himself and calls on them to not be afraid. Peter, and I cannot imagine why, says, "If you are Jesus, command me to come to you." Ummm, does he have a clue that if it is the angel of death the ghost may lie? Well, Jesus says, "Sure, come." Peter initiates his relatively short walk on water. Though short I like that walk. The critics will always say that following the principles of the Bible will limit your options and even take away your fun. This text seems to show that following Jesus provides virtually unlimited options. Who would have thought you could step out of the boat in the middle of the sea and take a walk?

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