Monday, April 12, 2010

Is it the end yet?

In Matthew 24, Jesus gives His disciples instructions on how to face the times just prior to His second coming. He provides three negative commands and one positive command. He states first [and 3 more times] that deception (especially in reference to His return. He warns that many will claim to be Christ, and many will claim Christ has already returned) is to be overcome. Deception characterizes the times just prior to Christ's return.
Second, Jesus commands His disciples, "Do not be afraid." With all the calamity of wars and natural disasters occurring it will be difficult to set aside fear. Max Lucado gives encouragement concerning the calamities of the end times, quoting one of his friends, "Everything will work out in the end, if it's not working out, it's not the end."
Third, Jesus instructs His followers that they should not let their love "grow cold" [Matt 24.11]. This is a more graphic word in the Greek, than merely "grow cold". It is the Greek word that we get 'psycho' from. Obviously, words have meanings that evolve, but there is a reality that this world's view of love is really crazy. The world sees love as primarily emotional. God defines love as a choice. The way things are in the world now, the Biblical view of love seems crazy, but true love is Biblical love.
The final and positive command is implied when Jesus tells His followers that the Good News of the His kingdom will be preached to all the nations. That is our great commission, preceded by Jesus' great commandment, to love God and our desperately lost world.

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