Wednesday, August 8, 2007

But, What about People?

As I consider purpose in life I have to think about where "others" fit into my reason for living. In Ecclesiastes 4 Solomon considered others in his 'under the sun' (that is, without considering God) sort of way. His conclusion was that there are two maybe three sorts of people, they are competitors, companions, and maybe kings. His understanding of 'others' does not fit neatly into western philosophical thinking, but if one looks at chapter 4 it is hard to come to another conclusion. So, 'under the sun' "others" are either a great source of pain and hurt or a pretty essential source of help and comfort. No matter, according to Solomon, all is still vanity due to the exceptional brevity of life.
Jesus asks us to consider "others" in a singular sort of way. "Others" are always to be thought of as our "neighbors" (read the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10). Further, the 'Jesus way' of looking at others was not so much at their offenses or blessings toward me, but the blessing I should be to them. Wow, even "others" whom I would call my enemies, Jesus commanded me to love.

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