Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bible Authority & Anabaptists

It certainly makes the whole idea of Christian devotion to Scriptural authority and more specifically to dedicated worship more alive when one can experience it firsthand. Coming from a Mennonite background, I saw that early Anabaptists [the central Christian group from which Mennonites emerged] had a commitment to the authority of Scripture. I was interested to read this quote from Dr. Thomas Finger,

(The) extreme suffering, however, did not lure most early Anabaptists away from society. Instead, their convictions energized mission activity throughout Europe. Their eschatology, moreover, involved a strong “realized” element. The very nearness of God’s Kingdom meant that it was already present in some significant way. Anabaptists and their Mennonite descendants are perhaps best known for their literal application of Jesus’ teachings, including non-resistant love for enemies. In Reformation times, at least, this behavior was inspired not only by ethical motives, but probably more by the conviction that it was possible because God’s Kingdom, energized by God’s Spirit, was already here [ ].

I wonder how I can be more aware of the presence of God and the nearness of His kingdom.